Invaluable Strategies Of The Spirit For Pastors And Ministry Leaders At The Ongoing Global Ministers Classroom With Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

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The much anticipated Global Ministers’ Classroom (GMC) with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, is ongoing with millions of Ministers classrooms connected globally!

The Scripture says in Ephesians 4 verse 13, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,…..unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”

Today, this scripture is come alive as we witness Millions of Ministers gathered in the unity of faith for the work of the Gospel, in the ongoing Global Ministers’ Classroom with the man of God, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD.

This 24 hour history-making program kicked off at 2pm GMT+1 on Friday 24th May, with a warm welcome address by the Director of the International School of Ministry, Pastor Deola Phillips, setting the tone for Ministers’ participating to receive all that the Lord has prepared for the program. In her welcome address, she stated that the Global Ministers’ Classroom is a time of launching out by working together as ministers to do so much for the Lord. In stressing the importance of the impact of Ministers of the Gospel, she reiterated that “when one minister is impacted, the Christians are impacted”.

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In the hours already into the ongoing program, it has been a phenomenal time of rapturous worship by the Loveworld Singers, effective prayer sessions led by seasoned Ministers of the Gospel, revelatory teachings, riveting panel discussions, and the distribution of Grace for the work of the Church in these last days.

The height of the sessions so far, was the opening and plenary session by the President of the Loveworld Inc., Reverend Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD, where he unravelled deep truths from the word of God. He began by welcoming the ministers in attendance to a special time of fellowship with one another, which he also termed a time to review the work of the gospel as ministers.

In his insightful teaching, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome emphasised on the unity of the Church, and the need for ministers to encourage and strive towards it. Reading from the scriptures in Matthew 4:23, Mark 1.14, 1 John 5.11 and others, the man of God took the Ministers in 3 Fundamental Blessings of the Gospel. He further enlightened the global participants on the true meaning of ‘Eternal Life’, stating that Eternal Life is the organic and existential attribute of deity. It is the life that God describes Himself in the scripture to differentiate Him from all others that might be called gods. In course of his session, he answered several questions from ministers around the world, and then concluded by encouraging Ministers of the Gospel to pray for one another. This ushered in other sessions of insightful time of the Word, inspiring testimonies, and impactful discussions, with prophetic declarations of the spirit enveloping all participants in an atmosphere of oneness by the spirit.

This ongoing program is increasing in Glory, as we look forward to a special session of profound teaching by the world renowned televangelist, Pastor Benny Hinn, from the United States of America, along side other seasoned ministers of the Gospel.

The climax of this auspicious program will be a closing plenary session by Rev. Chris Oyakhilome. So, Spread the word to every minister of the gospel in your sphere of contact.

The ISM Global Ministers Classroom with Pastor Chris is currently ongoing and there’s still so much more to expect. Log on to to participate.

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