Kogi East Elders’ Council Calls for State of Emergency in Kogi State

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2 Min Read

By Omonu YG Nelson

The Kogi East Elders’ Council (KEEC) has called for a state of emergency to be declared in Kogi State, citing the escalating state of insecurity in the region. The council also called for the postponement of the upcoming gubernatorial election in the state.

In a press release issued on Wednesday, the KEEC accused the state government of using security agencies to intimidate and harass voters in Kogi East. The council specifically named the state Commissioner of Police, Mr Bertrand Onuoha, the State Director of DSS, Navy Commander NU Akalezi, and Superintendent of Police, Ojo, as being responsible for the intimidation and harassment of voters.

The KEEC also accused the state government of using Friday Makama, a known thug and gun runner, to further intimidate and harass voters. The council called for Makama’s arrest and demanded that he be brought to justice.

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The KEEC’s call for a state of emergency comes amid growing concerns about the security situation in Kogi State. In recent months, there has been a surge in violence in the state, including kidnappings, armed robberies, and assassinations.

The KEEC’s call for the postponement of the gubernatorial election is also likely to be met with resistance from the state government. The state government has already spent millions of naira on the election campaign and is unlikely to want to see it postponed.

However, the KEEC argues that a state of emergency is necessary to ensure that the upcoming election is free and fair. The council also argues that a state of emergency would allow the security agencies to focus on restoring law and order in the state.

The KEEC’s call for a state of emergency is a significant development in Kogi State. The council is a respected body of elders that represents the interests of the people of Kogi East. The KEEC’s call is likely to increase pressure on the state government to address the security situation in the state.

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