GodGift Ifunanya
3 Min Read

1) Any guy who cannot delay gratification but wants everything from you even before marriage needs to be watched. He wants early sex, undivided attention and adoration, he is all over you all the time and is extremely jealous, he disrespects your values in life and you opinion does not really count; he wants you to disconnect from your friends and family members and focus only on him. Such guy is a wrong guy!

2) Any guy who finds it difficult to be open or transparent to you and avoid talking about his past relationships, failures, financial challenges, emotional problems and is very good at concealing negative things about himself to make a good impression, must be re-assessed before you commit. Relationships cannot grow without transparency.

3) Any man who cannot take responsibility for his life but blames everyone for his challenges except himself is not worth your hand in marriage! He may also not take responsibility for his marriage!

4) A man who is a fault-finder and a perfectionist is difficult to please. In his world, there is no room for mistakes of any magnitude and if you make a mistake, be ready for harsh criticism. On the other hand, if he is good at messing up everything around him, unfortunately he could mess up your life too!

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5) Never consider getting married to a lazy man who does not have a realistic vision for his life! A man who is going nowhere will lead his wife nowhere! A man’s responsibility is to provide leadership and direction to his family! On the other hand, when a woman with vision marries a man without vision, she naturally becomes the leader of the home which will eventually lead to conflict or disorder! Believe me; it does not work out well in marriage!

6) Never marry a man who does not have a relationship with God unless you too do not have one. A man who loves and respect the Lord will love and respect you in obedience to the Lord!

7) Be mindful of a man who is hot tempered,

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