Legendary Nigerian actor Usman Baba Pategi, popularly known as Samanja, has passed on, his son Yusuf Usman confirms in a terse statement.
He died in the early hours of Sunday at the age of 81 after a prolonged illness which deprived him of his sight.
“Janaiza prayers will be by 10am at his residence No 5 Aduwa Road, Costain Quarters, Kaduna,” Yusuf said.
Alhaji Pategi, achieved fame through the popular TV drama known as ‘Samanja Mazan Fama’ in the 80s and 90s.
Samanja (Sergeant Major), with his signature moustache and army uniform, played the lead role in the drama which was about life in the barracks.
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A Prince of Pategi, in Kwara State, Samanja reportedly gave up the throne to pursue his passion in the entertainment industry.
He was in 2017 among the theatre practitioners inducted as Fellows of the National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners